Friday, April 2, 2010

Sale ;)

I kinda felt like it was Sale the other day, so I hooked myself up with some financial assets.
For one, I bought Wirecard. Actually, I don't really know what they really do (which, trust me, is sometimes the best) but recently they lost over 30% in a day due to market rumors that to be false. So if this is true, and I highly hope so, I have bought their stocks with a nice discount. You see - pure speculation.
Then I was looking at the DAX and I thought to myself: Holy Crap! The last time the DAX reached that level was shortly before the whole Lehman desaster (remember?) - perfect time to go short !
In financial terms you usually go "long", meaning that you hold common stocks in your portfolio and if they increase in value you profit from that.
If you go short, well, it's like a bet: You bet that the stocks are about to fall in price, so you participate from their losses.
I have just bought an ETF (exchange traded fund - you can buy this one at regular stock markets) that does exactly that: If the DAX falls 1% I make 1% profit (not exactly, but it works roughly like that) - pretty cool huh? :)

Anyway, now that I'm almost fully invested I think I might have some trouble sleeping at night. But that's the whole beauty of gambling, isn't it?

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