Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just let go

Hey Guys,

guess you are surprised to hear from me again. Well, I could explain why, who, where, blabla but I don't think anybody really wants to hear the whole story.
So rather than bothering you with my life, I wanted to share an experience with you that is not solely business related, but may also help you in other situations.
This exactly brings to an important point about future posts: The Blog's name has changed to "indie guide to everything" (until I come up with something better) because I wanted to share all life experiences, tools and strategies with you - not only how to make money (although this will still be the hidden focus), but everything that comes to my mind to improve everyday-life itself.

With this in mind, I want to share a really good exercise with you:
Most projects I had in mind failed (whether business or personal!) because I just was not willing to adapt to change - like some other people, I am a real comfy fellow: I don't like when things change. As soon as a bookmarked website changes design, I get upset knowing I have to relocate all the buttons and sites I used to browse through on a daily basis. Or when my supermarket decides to move the candy department somewhere else... I could go on like this forever.
Anyway, the important part is: Each and everyday things around you change. Adapting to change fast is an essential skill in our world today, but just like you can't learn to be spontaneous over night, learning to deal with change also needs some exercise to get good at it.

So I came up with an idea to practice the whole change process:
Take a couple of moments and just look around you. If your place looks anything like my place you should have noticed a wide range of items. Just to give you an impression I briefly share with you what I saw:
Here's a telephone, a scanner, on the wall is an old movie poster, a stepper I barely ever used, a bass guitar, shoes books, old magazines, a bag of tea (really don't know why that's not in the kitchen) and some other creepy stuff, I don't want to name on the internet.
From now on start picking an item you own on a daily basis and just get rid of it - throw away old magazines, sell stuff on ebay, make a gift to someone who actually uses that item.
Again, if you're like me, you have real difficulties letting things go - so by forcing yourself to get rid of everything you don't really need (but still keep for reasons you can hardly name) you will be dealing with change everyday.
And plus points: you can make some extra bucks on ebay and you will be able to focus easier when there is no useless item around to distract you.

I hope some of you will join me and get rid of some things.
Some side information: The first item I got rid of today was an old calendar that still hung on my wall - the year was 2002, and no, this is not a joke.

So long,
take care guys!

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