Friday, January 29, 2010

Indie Careers Part 2: DJing

So folks, as I already mentioned in an earlier post this time Indie Careers will be about DJing.
Last Saturday I had a blast DJing at a party I organized. Even though I won't name any figures, I can say that when I counted the money I was grinning from ear to ear.
So how come? How do you get there, what do you need, and most importantly: How much is in there?

First things first: Before you start, you'll have to invest quite a bit in equipment. Depending on how much money and time you want to spend you choose one of these:
1. Vinyl all the way
+ style, coolness
+ Vinyl moves
+ little technology
- records are expensive
- old records are hard to find and may not be in best shape
+/- you have learn the art and craft of mixing

Needed: 2 turntables, mixer, records
Costs: try ebay for used equipment, about 300-500€, roughly 1-15€/record
You'll need at least 60 records to even start thinking about mixing live

2. CD DJs
Well, I did never like them very much, it's way to expensive and you cannot handle them that good. I won't elaborate on this. Buy something else. Really.

3. Mp3 all the way
By far the cheapest and easiest solution. You'll need a laptop (which you most likely already have), some usb mixer and a soundcard with at least 4 mono-output-channels.
You then just need software (Traktor is pretty good) and mp3s.
+ Easy to handle (BPM Counter and a lot of software-tweaks help you)
+ You should have enough mp3s already, or you can buy them for 1€/track
+ even old songs sound great
+ cheap
+ good for transport (you can pack a bag and have everything you need)
- no style
- no real skill needed
- have to rely on software and pcs

Needed: Laptop, soundcard, mixer, mp3s
Costs: for 100€ you can buy a used soundcard and mixer, another 50 for the software

4. Mp3-Vinyl Hybrid
Commonly used by a lot of DJs today
+ you can bring your whole record collection along
+ all vinyl moves
- you have to rely on software
- very expensive initial costs

Needed: See 1.vinyl all the way + software and hardware
Costs: See 1. + 200 to 500€ for the soft and hardware

How long until you rock the crowd? Depends, but you will practice your butt off for at least half a year before you have decent skills. Mp3 DJing however does not require much skill, roughly a month and you know how to do it. Of course you should know a thing or two about music, if you play an instrument - good for you, it will be a lot easier then.
How to get the first gig? Talk to people, record a mixtape and give it to friends, either start playing everything from birthday to bar mizwa or befriend some other DJ who might let you play as a support or opener for him. Or: Throw your own party - organizing a party can be tough and stressful, but it will pay out sooner or later.

If you just DJ, you can expect either nothing when you start (although you shouldn't play too many unpaid gigs) or something between 50 and 150 € (maybe somewhat lower, depending on circumstances).
However, if you organize the party there can be up to 1000 bucks in for you (100,200 are easy to make). Depending on how much people are willing to pay for your party, and how many show up, of course. Speaking of which: At the beginning only your friends, and friends of friends, will show up. The more popular you are, the better, and if at some point you are some Richie Hawtin or so, expect to see a whole lot of people you don't know.

The good thing about DJing is: People do not get bored of you too quick. If you're in a band, well try playing the same show month after month at the same place - won't work. However, if you play a similar set month after month at the same spot people will love you for that. I know it sounds weird first, but think about - don't you go to your favorite club for exactly the same reason? The best thing about it: You get free drinks, and no one cares if you're getting tipsy while earning money.

In a nutshell

Knowledge needed? 3/5
Getting started? 3/5
Salary? 4/5

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